Infix5 Social Marketing User Information Protection Rules
1. General provisions
1.1. These rules for the protection of information of users of social marketing Infix5 and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the social marketing tool Infix5, which offers the possibility of registering and / or to authorize the user in the services contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem, as well as to perform the functions of creating and maintaining a user account in the INFIX5 ecosystem:
1.2. The purpose of these rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about users of Infix5 social marketing, including their personal data, against unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.3. Relationships related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of user information are governed by these rules, the privacy policies of particular services contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem, which specify the list of data processed. for a particular service contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem, including personal data, purposes, legal grounds for processing and other conditions (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Policies” and individually the “Policy”) and legislation in force of the Canadian Federation.
1.4. During registration, each access or actual use of the Infix5 Social Marketing tool, the User accepts the terms of these Rules as modified at the time of effective use of these Infix5 Social Marketing Rules. These rules can be modified and / or supplemented by the Company unilaterally without notice. These rules are an open and public document. The current version of these rules is available at The Company recommends that Infix5 Social Marketing users regularly check the terms of these rules for their modifications and / or additions. The continued use of Infix5 Social Marketing by the user after making changes and / or additions to these rules means that the user accepts and consents to such changes and / or additions.
1.5. The Infix5 Social Marketing user has the right to refuse to accept changes and additions to these rules and / or policies of particular services contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem, which means that the user refuses to use any and all / or specific services contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem and denies any rights previously granted. In the event that the user disagrees with the terms of these rules, the use of Infix5 Social Marketing must be discontinued immediately.
2. Infix5 Social Marketing Terms of Service
2.1. INFIX5 Connect is a key tool of INFIX5 Ecosystem, offering the possibility of registering and / or authorizing the user in the services contained in the INFIX5 ecosystem, as well as performing the functions of creation and maintenance of a user account in INFIX5 Ecosystem.
2.2. Offering the possibility of using Infix5 Social Marketing, the Company, acting reasonably and in good faith, considers the User of Infix5 Social Marketing.
2.2.1. has all the rights necessary to register and use Infix5 Social Marketing;
2.2.2. indicate reliable information about himself in the framework necessary for the use of Infix5 Social Marketing;
2.2.3. familiar with these rules, expresses their consent with them and assumes the rights and obligations specified therein.
2.3. The Company does not verify the reliability of the information received (collected) on Users, unless this verification is necessary to fulfill the obligations of the Company towards the user of Infix5 Social Marketing.
3. Purposes of information processing
The Company processes information about Infix5 Social Marketing users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the Company’s obligations to users to provide the right to use Infix5 Social Marketing under the terms of the User Agreement of ‘Infix5. Social Marketing, available at
4. Composition of user information
4.1. The composition of information on users of Infix5. Social marketing includes:
4.1.1. when filling out the Infix5 registration form. Social marketing on a website at the address, the information indicated by the User and minimally necessary for registration on the INFIX5 Ecosystem: first name, last name, date of birth, sex and phone number.

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