
Here is your family to showcase your future life. VF Portfolio is reserved for our exclusive members. People who love to chat and blog, shop, sell products and showcase their lives. This is social media only for Infix5 members, a safe job to share the experiences you are proud of, achievements and adventures. Express yourself, connect with friends, forge exciting business relationships and experience interactivity with your fellow travelers. Share your enthusiasm and discuss your unique passions with others in community posts.

We respect your privacy; It is sacred. That’s why we’ve implemented privacy settings to let you share things with Infix5 members who are friends, or you can go live on the public forum with security, privacy and the freedom to be judged. Connect with like-minded people who love to read and submit articles and comment on your photos. People who bond, walk in solidarity and move.

The elements of Infx5 combine to move you forward!
We are a start-up and we are on the move. We are proud of the values and benefits we offer our members. It is a platform that supports individuals in Social media, Post and Social Networking Program Publications and gives them points for their commenter and the like.

The consultant program
Our service model is simple, get paid by the hour for the work you will already be doing. By training, educating and supporting your growing network of Infix5 members, you may be eligible to receive hourly compensation. Through our exclusive academy program, individuals are paid for the services they provide to our business and remunerated at an hourly rate.


Earn $ 60-280 per hour to train, support, and educate your team.




Conference for local entrepreneurs

Infix5 is creating a Social Network for millions of local entrepreneurs and consultants who not only want to take advantage of our incredible membership benefits, but also strongly believe in the empowerment opportunities our platform can offer. Explore our blog to learn more about the vibrant Infix5 community.